William Butler Yeats

William Butler Yeats (Sandymount, Irlanda, 13 de junh de 1865-Menton, 28 de genièr de 1939) foguèt un celèbre escrivan e dramaturg irlandés. Foguèt un dels instigadors del renovelament de la literatura irlandesa e fondèt, amassa amb Lady Gregory, l'Abbey Theatre. Recebèt lo Prèmi Nobel de Literatura en 1923 e foguèt lo primièr irlandés a èsser guerdonat. Yeats foguèt tanben senador de l'Estat liure d'Irlanda (Seanad Éireann) durant dos mandats.
[modificar | Modificar lo còdi]- 1886: Mosada, pèça de teatre
- 1888: Fairy and Folk Tales of the Irish Peasantry
- 1889: Crossways
- 1889: The Wanderings of Oisin and Other Poems
- 1890: The Lake Isle of Innisfree
- 1891: Representative Irish Tales
- 1891: John Sherman and Dhoya
- 1892: Irish Faerie Tales
- 1892: The Countess Kathleen and Various Legends and Lyrics
- 1893: The Celtic Twilight, poesia e nonficcion
- 1893: The Rose, poèmas
- 1894: The Land of Heart's Desire
- 1895: Poems, vèrses e drama
- 1895: A Book of Irish Verse
- 1897: The Tables of the Law. The Adoration of the Magi
- 1897: The Secret Rose, ficcion
- 1899: The Wind Among the Reeds
- 1900: The Shadowy Waters, poèmas
- 1902: Cathleen Ní Houlihan]], teatre
- 1903: Ideas of Good and Evil, nonficcion
- 1903: In the Seven Woods, poèmas
- 1903: Where There is Nothing, teatre
- 1903: The Hour Glass, teatre
- 1904: The Hour-Glass; Cathleen ni Houlihan; The Pot of Broth, pèças de teatre
- 1904: The King's Threshold; and On Baile's Strand
- 1904: The Tables of the Law; The Adoration of the Magi
- 1905: Stories of Red Hanrahan
- 1906: Poems, 1899 –1905
- 1907: Deirdre
- 1907: Discoveries, nonficcion
- 1910: The Green Helmet and Other Poems, vèrses e pèças de teatre
- 1910: Poems: Second Series
- 1911: Synge and the Ireland of his Time, nonficcion
- 1912: The Cutting of an Agate
- 1912: Selections from the Writings of Lord Dunsany
- 1912: A Coat
- 1913: Poems Written in Discouragement
- 1916: Responsibilities, and Other Poems
- 1916: Reveries Over Childhood and Youth, nonficcion
- 1916: Easter 1916
- 1919: The Wild Swans at Coole, Other Verses and a Play in Verse
- 1918: Per Amica Silentia Lunae
- 1918: In Memory of Major Robert Gregory
- 1918: The Leaders of the Crowd
- 1919: Two Plays for Dancers, pèças de teatre
- 1919: The Wild Swans at Coole
- 1920: The Second Coming
- 1921: Michael Robartes and the Dancer, poèmas
- 1921: Four Plays for Dancers, pèças de teatre
- 1921: Four Years
- 1922: Later Poems
- 1922: The Player Queen, pèça de teatre
- 1922: Plays in Prose and Verse, pèças de teatre
- 1922: The Trembling of the Veil
- 1922 Seven Poems and a Fragment
- 1923: Plays and Controversies
- 1924: The Cat and the Moon, and Certain Poems, poèmas e drama
- 1924: Essays
- 1925: A Vision A
- 1926: Estrangement
- 1926: Autobiographies of William Butler Yeats
- 1927: October Blast
- 1927: Stories of Red Hanrahan and the Secret Rose, poesia e ficcion
- 1927: The Resurrection
- 1928: The Tower, inclutz Sailing to Byzantium
- 1928: The Death of Synge, and Other Passages from an Old Diary, poèmas
- 1929: A Packet for Ezra Pound, poèmas
- 1929: The Winding Stair
- 1932: Words for Music Perhaps, and Other Poems
- 1933: Collected Poems
- 1933: The Winding Stair and Other Poems
- 1934: Collected Plays
- 1934: The King of the Great Clock Tower, poèmas
- 1934: Wheels and Butterflies, drama
- 1934: The Words Upon the Window Pane, drama
- 1935: Dramatis Personae
- 1935: A Full Moon in March, poèmas
- 1937: A Vision B
- 1937: Essays 1931 to 1936
- 1938: Autobiography, inclutz Reveries over Childhood and Youth (publicat en 1914), The Trembling of the Veil (1922), Dramatis Personae (1935), The Death of Synge (1928), e d'autras òbras.
- 1938: The Herne's Egg, drama
- 1938: New Poems
- 1939: Last Poems and Two Plays poèmas e drama (postum)
- 1939: On the Boiler, essays, poems and a play (postum)