Vejatz lo contengut

Resultats de la recèrca

  • Miniatura per Paul Auster
    (2007) Modèl:Portal Poetry The Music of Chance (film) (1993) Smoke (1995) Blue in the Face (1995) Lulu on the Bridge (1998) The Inner Life of Martin Frost...
    8 Ko (860 mots) - 23 agost de 2023 a 11.51
  • Miniatura per Mercuri (planeta)
    "Tectonic Evolution of the Terrestrial Planets". Science 213 (4503): 62–76. Blue, Jennifer (April 11, 2008). "Gazetteer of Planetary Nomenclature". US Geological...
    37 Ko (3 701 mots) - 19 març de 2024 a 02.53
  • Miniatura per Programa Apollo
    Nadal a la Una del New York Times: «To see the earth as it truly is, small blue and beautiful in that eternal silence where it floats, is to see ourselves...
    164 Ko (21 181 mots) - 14 decembre de 2023 a 15.06
  • Miniatura per Ipotèsi Gaïa
    In Honor of Mother Nature & the Feminine Spirit de Toni Carmine Salerno, Blue Angel Gallery, 2007, (ISBN 9780980286540) et Gaia and the New Politics of...
    182 Ko (14 604 mots) - 7 octobre de 2022 a 16.13