Utilizaire:Gnu thomas~ocwiki/traduction
This is a list of all messages in the MediaWiki namespace. See Wikipedia:MediaWiki namespace text for a list with edit links, and the text of each message. This list can be used to monitor the namespace using "Related changes" in the sidebar.
- About
- Aboutpage
- Aboutwikipedia
- Accmailtext
- Accmailtitle
- Actioncomplete
- Addedwatch
- Addedwatchtext
- Administrators
- Afirmacion
- All
- All_messages
- Allmessages
- Allmessagestext
- Allpages
- Alphaindexline
- Alreadyloggedin
- Alreadyrolled
- Ancientpages
- Anontalkpagetext
- Articleexists
- Articlepage
- Asksql
- Asksqltext
- Autoblocker
- Badarticleerror
- Badfilename
- Badfiletype
- Badipaddress
- Badquery
- Badquerytext
- Badretype
- Badtitle
- Badtitletext
- Blanknamespace
- Blockedtext
- Blockedtitle
- Blockip
- Blockipsuccesssub
- Blockipsuccesstext
- Blockiptext
- Blocklink
- Blocklistline
- Blocklogentry
- Blocklogpage
- Blocklogtext
- Booksources
- Booksourcetext
- Brokenredirects
- Brokenredirectstext
- Bugreports
- Bugreportspage
- Bydate
- Byname
- Bysize
- Cachederror
- Cancel
- Cannotdelete
- Cantrollback
- Categorias
- Categoria
- Category_header
- Changepassword
- Changes
- Columns
- Commentedit
- Confirm
- Confirmcheck
- Confirmdelete
- Confirmdeletetext
- Contextchars
- Contextlines
- Contribslink
- Contribsub
- Contribucions
- Copyrightpage
- Copyrightpagename
- Copyrightwarning
- Couldntremove
- Createaccount
- Createaccountmail
- Cur
- Currentevents
- Currentrev
- Databaseerror
- Dateformat
- Dberrortext
- Dberrortextcl
- Deadendpages
- Debug
- Defaultns
- Deletecomment
- Deletedarticle
- Deletedtext
- Deleteimg
- Deletepage
- Deletesub
- Deletethispage
- Deletionlog
- Dellogpage
- Dellogpagetext
- Developerspheading
- Developertext
- Developertitle
- Diff
- Diferéncia
- Disambiguations
- Disambiguationspage
- Disambiguationstext
- Doubleredirects
- Doubleredirectstext
- Editcomment
- Editconflict
- Editcurrent
- Edithelp
- Edithelppage
- Editing
- Editingold
- Editsection
- Editthispage
- Emailflag
- Emailforlost
- Emailfrom
- Emailmessage
- Emailpage
- Emailpagetext
- Emailsend
- Emailsent
- Emailsenttext
- Emailsubject
- Emailto
- Emailuser
- Enterlockreason
- Error
- Errorpagetitle
- Exbeforeblank
- Exblank
- Excontent
- Explainconflict
- Export
- Exportcuronly
- Exporttext
- Faq
- Faqpage
- Filecopyerror
- Filedeleteerror
- Filedesc
- Filename
- Filenotfound
- Filerenameerror
- Filesource
- Filestatus
- Fileuploaded
- Formerror
- Fromwikipedia
- Getimagelist
- Gnunote
- Go
- Guesstimezone
- Help
- Helppage
- Hide
- Hidetoc
- Hist
- Histlegend
- History
- Historywarning
- Ignorewarning
- Ilshowmatch
- Ilsubmit
- Imagelinks
- Imagelist
- Imagelisttext
- Imagepage
- Imagereverted
- Imgdelete
- Imgdesc
- Imghistlegend
- Imghistory
- Imglegend
- Internalerror
- Intl
- Ipaddress
- Ipblocklist
- Ipbreason
- Ipbsubmit
- Ipusubmit
- Ipusuccess
- Isredirect
- Iteminvalidname
- Largefile
- Darrièr
- Lastmodified
- Lineno
- Linklistsub
- Linkshere
- Linkstoimage
- Linktrail
- Listform
- Listusers
- Loadhist
- Loadingrev
- Localtime
- Lockbtn
- Lockconfirm
- Lockdb
- Lockdbsuccesssub
- Lockdbsuccesstext
- Lockdbtext
- Locknoconfirm
- Login
- Loginerror
- Loginpagetitle
- Loginproblem
- Loginprompt
- Loginsuccess
- Loginsuccesstitle
- Logout
- Logouttext
- Logouttitle
- Lonelypages
- Longpages
- Longpagewarning
- Mailmypassword
- Mailnologin
- Mailnologintext
- Mainpage
- Mainpagetext
- Maintenance
- Maintenancebacklink
- Maintnancepagetext
- Matchtotals
- Math
- Math_failure
- Math_lexing_error
- Math_syntax_error
- Math_unknown_error
- Math_unknown_function
- Minlength
- Minoredit
- Minoreditletter
- Mispeelings
- Mispeelingspage
- Mispeelingstext
- Missingarticle
- Missinglanguagelinks
- Missinglanguagelinksbutton
- Missinglanguagelinkstext
- Moredotdotdot
- Movearticle
- Movedto
- Movenologin
- Movenologintext
- Movepage
- Movepagebtn
- Movepagetalktext
- Movepagetext
- Movetalk
- Movethispage
- Mycontris
- Mypage
- Mytalk
- Nbytes
- Nchanges
- Newarticle
- Newarticletext
- Newmessages
- Newmessageslink
- Newpage
- Newpageletter
- Newpages
- Newpassword
- Newtitle
- Newusersonly
- Next
- Nextn
- Nlinks
- Noaffirmation
- Noarticletext
- Noblockreason
- Noconnect
- Nocontribs
- Nocookieslogin
- Nocookiesnew
- Nodb
- Noemail
- Noemailtext
- Noemailtitle
- Nogomatch
- Nohistory
- Nolinkshere
- Nolinkstoimage
- Noname
- Nonefound
- Nospecialpagetext
- Nosuchaction
- Nosuchactiontext
- Nosuchspecialpage
- Nosuchuser
- Notanarticle
- Notargettext
- Notargettitle
- Note
- Notextmatches
- Notitlematches
- Notloggedin
- Nowatchlist
- Nviews
- Ok
- Oldpassword
- Orig
- Orphans
- Otherlanguages
- Pagemovedsub
- Pagemovedtext
- Passwordremindertext
- Passwordremindertitle
- Passwordsent
- Perfdisabled
- Perfdisabledsub
- Popularpages
- Postcomment
- Powersearch
- Powersearchtext
- Preferences
- Prefslogintext
- Prefsnologin
- Prefsnologintext
- Prefsreset
- Preview
- Previewconflict
- Previewnote
- Prevn
- Printableversion
- Printsubtitle
- Protectedarticle
- Protectedpage
- Protectedpagewarning
- Protectedtext
- Protectlogpage
- Protectlogtext
- Protectpage
- Protectthispage
- Qbbrowse
- Qbedit
- Qbfind
- Qbmyoptions
- Qbpageinfo
- Qbpageoptions
- Qbsettings
- Qbspecialpages
- Querybtn
- Querysuccessful
- Randompage
- Rchide
- Rclinks
- Rclistfrom
- Rcliu
- Rcloaderr
- Rclsub
- Rcnote
- Rcnotefrom
- Readonly
- Readonlytext
- Readonlywarning
- Recentchanges
- Recentchangescount
- Recentchangeslinked
- Recentchangestext
- Redirectedfrom
- Remembermypassword
- Removechecked
- Removedwatch
- Removedwatchtext
- Removingchecked
- Resetprefs
- Restorelink
- Resultsperpage
- Retrievedfrom
- Returnto
- Retypenew
- Reupload
- Reuploaddesc
- Reverted
- Revertimg
- Revertpage
- Revhistory
- Revisionasof
- Revnotfound
- Revnotfoundtext
- Rollback
- Rollbackfailed
- Rollbacklink
- Rows
- Savearticle
- Savedprefs
- Savefile
- Saveprefs
- Search
- Searchdisabled
- Searchhelppage
- Searchingwikipedia
- Searchquery
- Searchresults
- Searchresultshead
- Searchresulttext
- Sectionedit
- Selectonly
- Selflinks
- Selflinkstext
- Servertime
- Shortpages
- Show
- Showhideminor
- Showingresults
- Showingresultsnum
- Showlast
- Showpreview
- Showtoc
- Sitestats
- Sitestatstext
- Sitesubtitle
- Sitesupport
- Sitesupportpage
- Sitetitle
- Skin
- Specialpages
- Spheading
- Sqlislogged
- Sqlquery
- Statistics
- Storedversion
- Stub
- Stubthreshold
- Subcategories
- Subject
- Subjectpage
- Successfulupload
- Summary
- Sysopspheading
- Sysoptext
- Sysoptitle
- Tableform
- Talkexists
- Talkpage
- Talkpagemoved
- Talkpagenotmoved
- Textboxsize
- Textmatches
- Thisisdeleted
- Timezoneoffset
- Timezonetext
- Titlematches
- Toc
- Uclinks
- Ucnote
- Uctop
- Unblockip
- Unblockiptext
- Unblocklink
- Unblocklogentry
- Restablir
- Undeletearticle
- Undeletebtn
- Undeletedarticle
- Undeletebtn
- Undeletedarticle
- Undeletedtext
- Undeletehistory
- Undeletepage
- Undeletepagetext
- Undeleterevision
- Undeleterevisions
- Unexpected
- Unlockbtn
- Unlockconfirm
- Unlockdb
- Unlockdbsuccesssub
- Unlockdbsuccesstext
- Unlockdbtext
- Unprotectedarticle
- Unprotectthispage
- Unusedimages
- Unusedimagestext
- Unwatchthispage
- Updated
- Upload
- Uploadbtn
- Uploadedfiles
- Uploadedimage
- Uploaderror
- Uploadfile
- Uploadlink
- Uploadlog
- Uploadlogpage
- Uploadlogpagetext
- Uploadnologin
- Uploadnologintext
- Uploadtext
- Uploadwarning
- Userexists
- Userlogin
- Userlogout
- Userpage
- Userstats
- Userstatstext
- Viewcount
- Viewprevnext
- Viewsource
- Viewtalkpage
- Wantedpages
- Watchdetails
- Watcheditlist
- Watchlist
- Watchlistcontains
- Watchlistsub
- Watchmethod-list
- Watchmethod-recent
- Watchnochange
- Watchnologin
- Watchnologintext
- Watchthis
- Watchthispage
- Welcomecreation
- Whatlinkshere
- Whitelistacctext
- Whitelistacctitle
- Whitelistedittext
- Whitelistedittitle
- Whitelistreadtext
- Whitelistreadtitle
- Wikipediapage
- Wikititlesuffix
- Wlnote
- Wlshowlast
- Wrong_wfQuery_params
- Wrongpassword
- Yourdiff
- Youremail
- Yourname
- Yournick
- Yourpassword
- Yourpasswordagain
- Yourtext